Featured BUG Jam 09/24 1 January 2024 No BUG Jam In September - Mark and I are on vacation! Our next jam is October 16.
Featured BUG Jams & Events 1 January 2024 IMPORTANT NEWS! You will now always have a seat at BUG! How? Beginning with our jam on March 20, 2024, all folks must have a ticket to be admitted to our BUG Jams at Red Bird. Please share this news with anyone you know who comes to BUG!
Featured BUG Jam 10/24 1 January 2024 BUG Jam Live @ Red Bird! October 16, 2024 Join us for an evening of ukulele fun! We'll be playing tantalizing tunes about autumn, ghostly ballads and devilish ditties! And you don’t need to be any good.
Songs 12 January 2021 Wellerman (Soon May The Wellerman Come) Traditional New Zealand folksong that dates back to the mid-19th century
Songs 3 March 2017 Leaving of Liverpool, The "(The) Leaving of Liverpool", also known as "Fare Thee Well, My Own True Love", is a folksong. Folklorists classify it as a lyric lament, and it was also used as a sea shanty, especially at the capstan.
Songs 18 February 2016 Mary Ellen Carter, The "The Mary Ellen Carter" is a song written and first recorded by Stan Rogers, intended as an inspirational shanty about triumphing over great odds. It tells the story of a heroic effort to salvage a sunken ship, the Mary Ellen Carter, by some members of her crew.
Songs 8 June 2014 Barrett’s Privateers "Barrett's Privateers" is a modern folk song in the style of a sea shanty, written and performed by Canadian musician Stan Rogers, having been inspired after a song session with the Friends of Fiddler's Green at the Northern Lights Festival Boréal in Sudbury, Ontario.
Songs 2 March 2014 Hanging Johnny "Hanging Johnny" was one of the best and most popular halyard shanties.
Songs 18 March 2013 Mermaid, The "The Mermaid" is a song about a whaler falling in love with a mermaid, but despairs because the mermaid has fish parts below her waist.
Songs 16 March 2013 Lukey's Boat "Lukey's Boat" is a comical song widely sung on the east coast of Newfoundland and collected by Elisabeth Greenleaf in 1929 in Twillingate, Nfld.
Songs 19 January 2013 Drunken Sailor "Drunken Sailor" is a sea shanty, also known as "What Shall We Do with a/the Drunken Sailor?"
Songs 23 February 2012 I'se the B'y "I'se The B'y" (also I's The Bye) is a traditional Newfoundland folk song/ballad.
Songs 4 June 2011 Jack Was Every Inch A Sailor "Jack Was Every Inch A Sailor" is a traditional Newfoundland and Labrador folk song. It is a comical retelling of the Jonah tale, with a Newfoundland whaler as protagonist, but in this instance the whale gets his comeuppance.