Welcome to Bytown Ukulele Group (BUG)!
It's fun! And you don't need to be any good.
We're located in Ottawa, Canada's capital city. BUG Jams are for everyone who loves playing ukulele! Join us to strum, sing, and be merry! All skill levels welcome! Children who play uke are very welcome to participate with a parent although songs often have adult themes.
WHEN: Once a month on a Wednesday (typically, the 3rd. Wednesday every month) from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. But come early to enjoy chatting with uke friends, to share tips and tricks, and to ogle each others ukes! DOORS OPEN AT 6:45 P.M. and only ticket holders are admitted.
WHERE: Red Bird Live Music, 1165 Bank Street, Ottawa. For all the BUG jam details, including what songs we'll be playing, go to the BUG JAMS & EVENTS page and select the link for the upcoming jam.
COST: $10 in advance from Red Bird Live Music to cover Red Bird's costs and guarantee entry and a seat at our very popular jam. Tickets will not be available at the door. There will be five (5) Pay-What-You-Can tickets available for special circumstances. Please email Sue@bytownukulele.ca to request one of those tickets.
Beginners - don't be shy! Don't wait to join us in a jam until you "get better". We'll share tips with you and even though you might not be able to keep up with everything right at the beginning, you'll still be able to belt out the songs, and you'll catch on quickly to the chords with practice. We suggest that you check out the fabulous beginner tutorials on our Tips & Help page and become familiar with chords such as C, C7, F, G, G7, D, D7, B flat, A, Am, A7, Em, E7 to maximize your experience. An electronic chromatic tuner is also an invaluable purchase!
BUG T-shirts: click here to purchase
BUG Organic Cotton Caps: click here to purchase
Check out Bytown Instruments for ALL your ukulele needs. Mark will be happy to help you!
BUG Facebook: We post events on our Facebook page that BUGs might be interested in, and members use it to communicate, post uke videos they've enjoyed, and all sorts of other uke-related info of interest to Ottawa ukers. You should join - it's really fun to communicate with other BUG members!
For more information about BUG or to enquire about BUG playing at a local community event or bringing our jam to a ukulele festival, please email Sue@bytownukulele.ca