Chevaliers de la Table Ronde (WORD)
Chevaliers de la Table Ronde (PDF)

We'll sing this song like the first video, to give all us all a chance to keep up and belt out the lyrics with enthusiasm!

"Chevaliers de la table ronde" (also known as Goûtons voir si le vin est bon) is a traditional French song from the 18th century - a popular drinking song sung in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Val d'Aoste (Italy) and Canada.

The song was present in 18th-century peddler's books. It is based on an earlier song, La Femme ivrogne (the drunk woman) which was transcribed into dialect of the Bresse region in 1749.

"Chevaliers de la Table Ronde" (The Knights of the Round Table) constitute a legendary order in the service of King Arthur whom the latter commissioned to lead the quest for the Grail and to ensure the peace of the kingdom.The first written record of the legend of the Knights of the Round Table is found in the Roman de Brut written by the Norman poet Wace in 1155. In French literature, the works of Chrétien de Troyes at the end of the 12th century will have a major influence. on the dissemination of the Arthurian legend. (Wikipedia)