The Shed Song (WORD)
The Shed Song (PDF)
Mark and I traveled Newfoundland and Labrador for 5 weeks in 2013, having been invited to participate in the wedding of BUG members Fiona and Gord Hawkshaw in St. John's. We had the joy of playing music with new friends in a few fantastic shed parties ourselves!
Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellers specialize in Newfoundland and folk music, as well as performing comedic skits and standup routines.
All three musicians sing and write songs which reflect their Newfoundland heritage; Johnson also arranges traditional accordion numbers for the band to perform. Their recordings range from serious reflections on Newfoundland culture (such as "Sarah" and "Saltwater Joys" to light-hearted tales that can border on the ridiculous (such as "Is You 'Appy?" and "Chainsaw Earle").
Chaulk performs on bass or guitar, Ray Johnson on accordion or fiddle, and Kevin Blackmore on mandolin, fiddle, guitar, and improvised percussion instruments including Tupperware lids and garbage bags.
Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellers have been performing and recording actively for over 30 years. The group has produced nineteen albums, and in 2017 maintains an active touring schedule throughout the Atlantic provinces, and other Canadian cities.