BUG Children's Songbook 2022-02-09
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It's up to you to decide what songs are appropriate for your children. These are some of the songs that Mark and I sang with our boys and have played at CHEO and daycare facilities. I'll be adding to this book as I get the time. If you'd like to share one of your songs with me, send a songsheet to me, preferably in an editable format, at
If you want to hear what the song sounds like you can go to the individual song posting to check out a YouTube video.
NOTE: All songsheets in this songbook were formatted by Sue Rogers and are intended for private, educational, and research purposes only, and NOT for financial gain in ANY form. Do not include any of these songsheets in songbooks that are for sale or on websites that make money from advertisements. It is acknowledged that all song copyrights belong to their respective parties.