23 Décembre

The song 23 Décembre was written by band members Pierre Huet (lyrics) and Michel Rivard (music) and recorded on their first, self-titled album, Beau Dommage, in 1974.


23 Décembre (WORD)
23 Décembre (PDF)

YOU CAN PLAY ALONG WITH THE RECORDINGS! Thanks to Sylvie Lambert for bringing this song to BUG!

"23 Décembre", talks about Christmas in a French-Canadian context during the author’s childhood, and is one of the most popular and iconic songs written and performed by Beau Dommage.

Beau Dommage was a folk-rock group from Montreal, Quebec who achieved success in Quebec and France in the 1970s. The group's style stands out for the unique sound of its rich vocal harmonies, the originality and quality of the lyrics, the eclecticism of the music, and impressive quantity of creative minds within the band.

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