Perfect (WORD)
Perfect (PDF)

THE FIRST VIDEO IS IN THE SAME KEY AT THE SONGSHEET! YOU CAN PLAY ALONG WITH THE 2nd VIDEO IN GCEA TUNING IF YOU PUT YOUR CAPO ON THE 1ST FRET! The song is in 12/8 time but you can count it as 4/4 time using triplets. Strum suggestion: Fingerpick or count the song / 1 + a 2 + a 3 + a 4 + a / and play light downstrums with an emphasis on the 2 and the 4 beats / d d d D d d d d d D d d /

"Perfect" reached number one on the UK Singles Chart and the Billboard Hot 100 by December 2017. It also peaked at number one in sixteen other countries, including Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. A version of "Perfect", titled "Perfect Duet", with American singer Beyoncé was released on 1 December 2017. Another duet with Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, titled "Perfect Symphony", was released on 15 December 2017.