Ça fait rire les oiseaux (WORD)
Ça fait rire les oiseaux (PDF)

You can play along with the recording! Thanks to Arlene McIntosh for suggesting this song for BUG!

La Compagnie Créole's most famous version of this song was done in the zouk style. Zouk is a vibrant and rhythmic music and dance style associated primarily with the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Dominica, and Haiti in the French Antilles (French West Indies). It is a musical movement pioneered by the French Antillean band Kassav' in the early 1980s, originally characterized by a fast tempo (120–145 bpm), a percussion-driven rhythm, and a loud horn section.

La Compagnie Créole is a popular French pop band from French Guiana and the French West Indies, founded in the 1970's. They originally started singing in Creole but quickly adopted French as their main language. They are known mostly for the feel-good and happy-go-lucky quality reverberating in all of their songs: popular themes and imagery include colorful rainbows, sunshine, music and harmless animals as a positive morale booster all set to Caribbean rhythms. Many of their records have been produced by Daniel Vangarde. The group has produced over 23 albums.