BUG's Ukuleles Across Canada Songbook for July 1, 2020
BUG's Ukuleles Across Canada Chord Chart for July 1, 2020

Thank you to the 226 participants, plus families and friends who joined in - folks from as far away as New Zealand!

A big thanks to all the amazing song leaders who brought their incredible energy to this event: Gary Johnston (Newfoundland/Labrador), Joyce Trask & Heather (Nova Scotia), Christy Reinsborough Arsenau (New Brunswick), Kelly Galloway (Prince Edward Island), Pierre Gibeau (Quebec), Linus Onalik & Sarah Russell (Nunavik, Quebec), Alan Ash (Ontario), Kate Ferris & Fred Casey (Manitoba), David Calam (Saskatchewan), Jeff Part and The Saturday Night Strummers (Alberta), Earla Dawn (British Columbia), and Jan Tulloch (Yukon). And of course, together as always leading you in song on Canada Day for the 7th year in a row, Mark and I (Bytown Ukulele Group, Ottawa, Ontario) and Sharon Baird (Vernon Ukulele Players, Vernon - Ottawa Ontario).

Big thanks also to Ellen Dickson and Sharon Baird for being the Zoom co-hosts and helping make all the tech stuff run smoothly. And thank you to the Vernon Ukulele Players (VUP) who picked up the additional cost for adding up to 500 participants to Zoom for this event!

You can play along with us as often as you'd like from the comfort of your home and at your own speed. To really hear the uBass and get the full effect - listen to it through an external speaker.

We screen-share the songsheets during our jam so you don't need the PDF songbook to play along, but I've attached it just in case you prefer having it on a separate screen. The songs in the book  are in the order that we played them, just for ease of finding them, and the table of contents is interactive so you just click on the song title and it takes you directly to the song. At the end of the song, if you click the "Back to songlist" link, it will bring you back to the table of contents.

You can play along with any of our jams, any time, by visiting the Jam Videos & Songbooks page. If you're new to ukulele, and want to slow the videos down, just click on the little settings "gear wheel" in the bottom right-hand corner of the video screen and you can select the speed you want.

Love you all!
Sue and Mark