BUG PyJAMa Jam Songbook V4 for April 20, 2022
BUG PyJAMa Jam Chord Chart V2 for April 20, 2022 (C6 - GCEA)
BUG PyJAMa Jam Baritone Chord Chart V2 for April 20, 2022 (G6 - DGBE)


Remember, you'll have a lot more fun at our upcoming virtual jam if you familiarize yourself with the songs in advance! Here is the LINK with all the information about how to join the jam.

The songs are in the order of play and will be displayed on the screens for this jam. Our wonderful Zoom host, Ellen, will be scrolling for all of you. If you plan on printing or downloading the songbook and/or chord charts, please always make sure that you're using the most recent version. Sometimes we correct errors and make improvements to the songsheet before the jam.

The chord chart can be helpful, especially for beginners, so you may want to print it out - there's one for GCEA tuning and one for baritone DBGE tuning! And you can enjoy listening to the YouTube playlist ahead of time to give you an idea of how the songs go. If you want to know the history of any of the songs or possible playing tips for some songs, then go to the individual song posting.

TAKE NOTE:  there have been some minor enhancements in the PDF Songbook, now version 4, that we’ll be displaying on the screen-share.

"Cecilia" - I’ve added a riff for the instrumental. The riff version of the songsheet won't be shown on the screen, so if you’d like to play it, go to "Cecilia (with riff)" in the songbook and print that page out or upload the songbook to another device for use during the jam.

"Here Comes The Sun" - for the jam, if you want to try out all the riffs in the song, be sure to print out or use the version in the songbook titled "Here Comes The Sun (with tabs)". On the screen-share, we’ll be displaying it without all the tabs on the screen.

uBass Players - if you’d like to try your hand at playing the bass, Mark has posted some uBass tablature on the individual song postings for: "Red-winged Blackbird", "Under The Boardwalk", "Here Comes The Rain".

See you at the BUG Jam!

Sue & Mark