BUG Media - Post Songs, Announcements, Events

  • BUG Event Songbook

    Mark Rogers posted on August 21, 2016 15:36

    Here is the BUG Event Songbook and the YouTube playlist of all the songs in our BUG Event Songbook. These are the songs that are in the binders we take out when we play out in the community, so have fun listening to and playing them! You can also download them onto your own personal iPad or tablet and bring it to the event. But please be sure to check just before the event, that you have the MOST RECENT VERSION downloaded onto your device. The only song that will be missing from the YouTube playlist is the "BUG Medley" - you can check it out here: BUG Medley 

    NOTE:  All songsheets in this songbook were formatted by Sue Rogers and are intended for private, educational, and research purposes only, and NOT for financial gain in ANY form. Do not include any of these songsheets in songbooks that are for sale or on websites that make money from advertisements. It is acknowledged that all song copyrights belong to their respective parties.

    ******REVISED May 29, 2020 - SR****

    A video for this song:

    Posted in: Individual Songs, January 2017 - BUG Event songs, Oakpark Retirement Community June 2018 (0 Comments)


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